Monday, December 20, 2010

Techniques Essay

The 3 techniques I pick are: Getting Horizons Horizontal, Getting Images Straight, and Fill your Frame. These 3 techniques are going to help you to be better at taking pictures.

For your 1st technique you use your viewfinder or LCD screen will be the edges of the actual images. Some cameras have ‘rule of thirds’ where a grid is in your viewfinder for your points of interest. The grid is not intended to help you get your images straight. The grid can be a helpful marker to show you where a level line is.

The 2nd technique you will be messing with the effect would have remained the image have been improved with the camera straightened slightly.

The 3rd technique you will use your optical zoom digital cameras these days come with a zoom lens and DSLR’s use them. Use your lens don’t just rely on your cameras zoom but actually position yourself for effectively shots. You want to crop your shot zoom in manually at home after you taking your shot cropping shot later means if you want large it becomes more pixilated. Digital zooms most cameras there day have a boast about having zooms but don’t tell you that it will decrease the quality.

All these technique will help you take better photos because the 1st technique helps you with your viewfinder, 2nd technique will help you with your effects and 3rd technique will help you with your zoom.

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